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Lipectomy Procedure in Shreveport & Monroe

If you lose significant weight, have had children, or are going through bodily changes as a result of aging, having a toned, trim stomach may feel like an unattainable ideal. You’re still dealing with loose skin, fat deposits, and drooping muscles around your waist no matter how much you diet or exercise. Thankfully, regaining the physique you desire is attainable with a procedure called a lipectomy, also known as a lower body lift.

Gaining weight can strain the skin and cause muscle damage. Sometimes this damage cannot be repaired with just exercise and nutrition. Cosmetic procedures like a lipectomy may be the best solution for achieving the firm, sculpted form you desire.

Dr. Forrest Wall is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who customizes each surgery to meet the specific needs of his patients. Patients who are ready to take the next step in their personal journeys, whether that be through a lipectomy or any other cosmetic procedure, are encouraged to request a consultation with Dr. Wall at The Plastic Surgery Center today. Contact our office at 318-221-1629 and a member of our courteous staff will assist you in making an appointment.

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What Is Plastic Surgery After Massive Weight Loss?

Many parts of the body’s skin and soft tissues lose their suppleness after extreme weight loss. The severity of this typically depends on the patient’s age and nutritional health. In many cases, however, when a person loses weight, their skin will not shrink along with them, leaving them with extra sagging skin and soft tissue.

After considerable weight reduction, plastic surgery may entail a variety of body contouring procedures to remove this hanging skin and soft tissue. When Dr. Wall designs a surgical strategy for a patient, he analyzes their amount of excess skin and soft tissue, as well as its condition and location, and creates a detailed surgical plan for how best to remove this skin.

Following extreme weight loss, the most common cosmetic operations that people tend to seek include:

Liposuction in Shreveport is frequently used along with these body contouring and facial rejuvenation procedures to eliminate fat pockets and improve outcomes.

What Is a Lipectomy?

A lipectomy, or lower body lift surgery, and belt lipectomy surgery are two body contouring procedures that are very comparable, though not one and the same. One major similarity is that the front of the abdomen is addressed with an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) in both procedures. Both surgeries also remove skin and fat from the flanks and back. The outer thighs and buttocks are typically also raised as a result.

The location of the incisions is the most significant distinction between a lower body lift and a belt lipectomy. In a general lipectomy, the incisions on the side and back are less than those of a belt lipectomy. Lower body lift surgery alters the outer thigh more significantly than belt lipectomy surgery. As such, this may be the best option for patients who have loose skin bulges on their hips and upper thighs.

The incisions on the sides and back of the belt lipectomy are typically much longer. The higher incision on the side and back may create a more fitted, contoured waist.

Should You Choose a Tummy Tuck or Belt Lipectomy?

The level of excess skin and muscle damage you’re dealing with, as well as your goals, determines whether you’ll need an abdominoplasty or a belt lipectomy.

Choosing a Tummy Tuck

This body contouring surgery is typically performed on persons who have mild to moderate sagging and damaged skin, such as stretch marks and abdominal muscles that are weak. This is usually caused by mild weight loss, aging, or having a child. A tummy tuck helps flatten the midsection and restore a smoother, more toned look. 

Choosing a Belt Lipectomy

A belt lipectomy is a technique that is typically used to remove skin after extreme weight loss, whether that be through surgery or diet and exercise. This is usually reserved for more severe cases of excess skin because it encompasses the hips, thighs, back, and buttocks, as well as the abdomen. This cosmetic procedure also helps create a smoother body contour.

lower body lift - lipectomy

Good Candidates For Surgery After Weight Loss

It can be difficult for a person’s skin to tighten down to the new underlying thinner outlines after they lose weight. This is because skin elasticity weakens as skin slowly stretches over time. For someone who has undergone bariatric surgery or simply dropped a significant amount of weight, this can be extremely upsetting. But how do you know if you are a good candidate for a lipectomy procedure?

Below are some qualifications:

  • A person should have reduced 30 to 50% of his or her peak body weight before receiving a lipectomy. The abdomen, as well as the thighs, buttocks, breasts, upper arms, and other places, should also have loose, sagging skin and tissue. 
  • To ensure that you do not gain weight after this operation, your weight should have been steady for a minimum of two years. This also gives your skin as much time as possible to adjust before undergoing any surgery.
  • Because these are multi-area procedures, patients must be in good overall health to cope with the stress of the procedure and the ensuing rehabilitation.
  • You should not smoke because it will slow down the healing of your incision. 
  • Candidates must have a realistic outlook about the possible outcome of their surgery. Yes, your outlines will be slimmed to fit your new smaller body shape, but you will have some long scars from the incisions. Viewing the body procedures before and after photographs in our gallery is one of the best ways to set reasonable expectations about your results.

Patients considering cosmetic surgery for extra skin tissue who match the requirements above have a far better chance of achieving the best outcomes. 

What Are the Risks of Body Lift Surgery?

All surgeries carry a certain level of risk. Infection, bleeding, blood clots, and poor recovery are all dangers of any operation, from hernia repairs to cesarean sections to body contour surgeries.

Another risk of a lipectomy specifically is that the belly button may not be in the same location after the surgery, the scars on the side of the abdomen or back may not be placed at the same level on the body, and long-term numbness in the lower abdomen or even the upper thigh is possible.  

Choosing a qualified plastic surgeon with years of experience and successful results ensures your best chance at avoiding these risks. 

What Is Recovery Like After Body Lift Surgery?

Dr. Wall’s patients usually describe themselves as having discomfort, swelling, and fatigue for around five days post-op. Their tissues are frequently pulled so tight that they walk in a “bent-over” stance for several days.

Around five days after surgery, patients’ energy levels begin to rise and they begin to walk more uprightly. The majority of patients require two to three weeks off work to recover. If your employment requires any physical exertion, the timetable will be extended to three to four weeks. Your mobility will be limited as a result of your extensive incisions. 

For at least the first week, women with young children should arrange for someone else to care for them. Compression garments are also frequently required for up to two months. 

You should be able to resume light activity in 2 to 3 weeks. However, it will be necessary to wait at least 6 weeks before engaging in strenuous exercise such as running, bicycling, working out, and swimming.

How Soon Can I Return to Daily Activities Like Driving? 

How soon a patient is able to drive after receiving a lipectomy varies and is really up to each patient. Some patients can drive again in two weeks, while others need more time if they are uncomfortable with the twisting movements, such as checking their blind spots and turning the steering wheel.

The patient’s recuperation is as individual as their lower body lift procedure. Dr. Wall can give you the green light for various portions of your daily activities as he monitors your recovery.

How Much Does a Lower Body Lift Cost?

Because no two operations are alike, the cost of a lower body lift varies with each patient. During a personal consultation, your skilled plastic surgeon will provide you with a pricing estimate.  The entire cost is determined by several factors:

The Severity of Your Condition

The amount of excess skin or skin folds you have is a major factor in cost. Some people have only a little weakened skin, while others may have it all the way down to their knees. 

The more extra skin there is, the longer the procedure will take and the more expensive it will be. A lower body lift might take anywhere from 5 to 8 hours to complete. Some patients also require an overnight stay at the hospital, which will also increase the cost.

Whether Additional Procedures Are Needed

A lower body lift, which lifts the lower trunk and hips, is an operation for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight. Many patients also undergo selective liposuction in addition to this procedure, as it can typically be done at the same time. 

The chest, thighs, arms, neck, and upper trunk are also common locations for excess skin. If these areas are problematic, additional procedures can be done to correct them.

The Skill of the Surgeon

A lower body lift is a specialized operation that necessitates a high level of experience in treating people who have lost weight. Often, the top surgeons with a track record of safe and successful outcomes charge more than surgeons with less experience. Remember, you get what you pay for.


Surgery expenses are generally greater in larger cities like San Francisco or New York City where this is a higher cost of living. 

Meanwhile, surgical costs in other countries, such as Mexico and Colombia, may be much lower. However, be aware of “medical tourism” offerings, as the safety and quality requirements may be far lower than in the United States.

Other Cost Considerations

A lower body lift is a lengthy operation that requires thorough post-operative care and a one-month recuperation period. You should account for the wages you may lose in your time away from work required for rehabilitation.

Patients interested in undergoing a lipectomy after weight loss surgery need to check their health insurance plans to see if it is covered. Though many cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance, hanging skin due to weight loss that affects your quality of life may be covered in some cases. 

If your medical plan does not cover your surgery, The Plastic Surgery Center does accept Care Credit and other plastic surgery financing and payment options. This is beneficial for patients who would like to make affordable monthly payments for their procedure.

lipectomy surgery

When Does Insurance Cover a Lipectomy?

When you lose anywhere from fifty to one hundred pounds and have hanging skin, there are several symptoms you may experience. For example, it’s possible that you’ll lose your mobility. Exercise can also be tough to manage, as the excess skin may prevent you from jogging, riding a bike, or touching your toes, among other things. This is something that health insurance companies may consider.

Another problem that can occur as a result of having excess skin is skin irritations. Rashes and extremely inflamed or infected skin are common complaints. The hanging skin, medically known as a panniculus, can hang to either side of your pubic bone, which is usually where irritated skin and rashes appear. Health insurance companies are more likely to reimburse your belt lipectomy operation if the panniculus is the primary cause of skin disorders that send you to the doctor for treatment.

Excess skin can also make it difficult to fight infections, which can significantly impact your overall health. Health insurance may then cover some or all of the costs of lipectomy surgery. This results in less physical and mental suffering and a higher quality of life.

Interested in a Lipectomy? Call Dr. Forrest Wall at The Plastic Surgery Center Today

It’s critical to be self-assured and comfortable in your own skin. That’s why, at The Plastic Surgery Center in Shreveport and Monroe, we provide a variety of solutions for improving your self-esteem and overall quality of life. This includes a variety of cosmetic surgeries and medi-spa treatments to help you look and feel your best.

If you’re considering a lipectomy or another cosmetic operation, please contact our office at 318-221-1629 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Forrest Wall, a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon. You may also fill out our intake form found below.